Threads at

Special Doilies for Special Times

Article J16, Book 0137
© Coats & Clark 2001

Pineapple Parfait photo thumbnail Pineapple Parfait

Pattern 0137-2C

Material: Coats Big Ball Size 30 thread
Color: White
Size: 12.5 inches on a side

Completed November 14, 2004. My mother liked the pattern, but she wanted a smaller doily. I used a No. 10 Boye steel hook with Size 30 thread, am pleased with the results.

I finished a doily using this pattern on January 9, 2004 using Size 10 Southmaid white thread and a No. 6 Boye steel hook. This made a doily that was 18 inches on a side and took just a bit over one ball of thread. This was the first pineapple doily I ever made.

This is a striking pattern. I think I like it better in the finer thread though.

Woodland Lace Doily thumbnail Woodland Lace

Pattern 0137-1C

Material: SouthMaid Crochet Thread
Color: White
Size: 12 inches across

I made two of these using a No. 8 Boye steel hook for a friend to give for a bridal shower present.

I tried out the pattern in September 2003 using a No. 6 Boye steel hook and an unlabeled ivory bedspread mercerized cotton thread (a bit heavier than the SouthMaid) I got on eBay. It came out 18 inches across.

Sunny Morning photo Sunny Morning

Pattern 0137-3C

Material: Coats & Clark KnitCroSheen
Color: White
Size: 11 inches across

I made several doilies following this pattern. For the one pictured to the left, I used a No. 8 Boye steel hook and completed it in December 2003. I tried the pattern then made several 13 inch doilies in cream Giant thread using a No. 6 in Fall 2003.

The scallops on the edge rumple slightly, but it blocks well. It is a nice size for a place setting for a dinner plate or soup bowl.