This booklet, along with several rolls of Clark's Big Ball white crochet cotton in size 30 and 40, was a gift from Michelle at the Milwaukee Crochet Meetup.
Doilies, Doilies, and More Doilies
Book No. 120, printed USA - 1955
Pineapple Ruffle Doily
pages 2-3
Material: Clark's Big Ball size 30 crochet cotton
Completed November 21 2004. This doily, attached to one of the balls of thread, and the No. 7 hook was in the bag with the thread and the book. It had been completed up to round 15. I started working on it and was able to complete it through round 29 before the thread ran low. It looked good without the ruffle and I was reluctant to join on another ball. When I washed it and blocked it lightly (no pins) it was 15 inches across. It looks quite lacy because of the use of a relatively large hook in the finer thread. |
Wheat and Grape Doily
pages 4, 14
Material: Clark's Big Ball size 30 crochet cotton
This pattern includes two different versions. I began work on the smaller doily on November 21 2004 after finishing the pineapple doily above. I finished it on May 7, 2005 after setting it aside several times. It was 14 inches across (24 rounds) when blocked. The design is similar to the Ripe Wheat doily. There appears to be something missing or misleading in the directions for round 21. I discovered I had made a serious mistake in round 13 when on round 23, so raveled it back. I thought I had caught all them, but discovered one wheat ear had only 3 instead of 4 double treble pairs while I was blocking it. |